

Faye Mournhell

Faye Mournhell was an agent of the [yadawiki link="Cult of the Dragon" show=""] who was recovering precious artifacts sacred to her masters. She befriended a group of Flaming Fists in fighting [yadawiki link="Cult of Zariel" show="Zarielite cultists"] beneath [yadawiki link="Baldur's Gate" show=""].


Edmond was an old farmer who gave his life in the last stand at the Battle of Avernus. Hailing from [yadawiki link="Idylglen" show=""], he pledged to [yadawiki link="Zariel" show=""] with [yadawiki link="Lady Yael" show=""] to protect his land and family from the threat of [yadawiki link="Yeenoghu" show=""].

Estellen Sohl

When the city of Elturel was swallowed by Hell, she witnessed cultists brutalize and murder her family. As a former Hellrider Battlemage, she burned them all alive in her family's house, before wandering the streets in agony, slaying devils and cultists in retribution.

Sven Lyons

Sven Lyons was a [yadawiki link="Hellriders" show="Hellrider"] who fought at the Battle of Avernus. Seeing the devastation, he led others to abandon Zariel and the generals in retreat back through the portal to escape.


Morgan was a [yadawiki link="Hellriders" show="Hellrider"] who survived the Charge of the Hellriders to bravely fight [yadawiki link="The Nine Hells of Baator" show="devils"] during the Battle of Avernus, where she would give her life to protect [yadawiki link="Idylglen" show=""].


Finen held [yadawiki link="Morgan" show=""] as she died in his arms at the Battle of Avernus, but refused to follow [yadawiki link="Sven Lyons" show=""] in retreat; instead he and [yadawiki link="Edmond" show=""] fought bravely alongside Zariel to the end.

Lady Yael

Lady Yael was one of the Three Generals who served in [yadawiki link="Zariel" show="Zariel's"] mortal army assembled in the material plane with the intention to chase down Yeenoghu, and the romantic partner of Lord Olanthius.


Yeenoghu is a savage, bestial Demonlord of the [yadawiki link="Abyss" show=""], and the chief being worshiped by gnolls. Dedicated only to destruction, the Ruler of Ruin seeks the collapse of civilization and he would brutally butcher all that stands between him and his rabid slaughter.

Charlemagne Martel

Charlemagne Martel is an aged [yadawiki link="Hellriders" show="Hellrider"] Elite who stands for moral purity and holds Hellriders under his command to a higher standard of ethical conduct.

Lord Haruman

Lord Haruman is one of the Three Generals who served under Archangel [yadawiki link="Zariel" show=""] as she gathered a mortal host to wage war against the Demonlord [yadawiki link="Yeenoghu" show=""].

Lord Olanthius

Lord Olanthius is one of the Three Generals who served under Archangel [yadawiki link="Zariel" show=""] as she gathered a mortal host to wage war against the Demonlord [yadawiki link="Yeenoghu" show=""].


Zariel is the Archduke of [yadawiki link="Avernus" show=""], making her one of the Lords of the 9 Hells and the general on the forefront of the Blood War against the demons of the Abyss.