Cyberpunk Dancer

July 9, 2023

Cyberpunk Dancer

July 9, 2023
First real project trying to use controlnet, to create a video of a persisting dancer character. I downloaded a source video on pexels and wanted to reimagine it in a cyberpunk style with black leather and pink accents. My goal was to create a consistent charater and outfit that doesn't 'flicker' and change too much frame-to-frame.


I used txt2img to carefully refine my prompt and try out different engines and loras. 

Test 2

Trying to see how tightly I can lock the drawn character to the underlying video layer. Added controlnet:uncanny and tightened the prompts to try to give the character a more consistent appearance.
openpose full:1 + normalmap:1 + depth:1 + uncanny:1

Test 1

First real video once the controlnet was configured correctly.
openpose full:1 + normalmap:1 + depth:1

Character Concepting

I used txt2img to carefully refine my prompt and try out different engines and loras. These were generated between Test 1 and Test 2. I decided not to go with the rebreather mask, but I tried it out.